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One traditional

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Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro)
Par de captadores de guitarra Dean. Excelente timbre, novos. Respondo chat. Não é Fender, Gibson, PRS SE, Epiphone, Ibanez, Condor, RG, Prestige, Special, MIM, MIA, México, American, Highway One, Traditional, Eagle, Strinberg, Michael, Jennifer, Squier, Classic vibe, vintage modified, stratocaster, telecaster, superstrato, LP Les Paul, SG Sólido Guitar, Explorer, Dean, custom, standard, Tagima, 635, 630, 640, 735, 740, 737, 505, zero, vulcan, memphis, shelter, sxsx, Nashville, 52, 32, semi acústica, hollow body, violão, bateria, tama, pedal, baixo, contrabaixo, overdrive, drive, alnico, blues, Texas, teclado, piano, sintetizador, sintetizadores, microfone, boss, zoom, mxr, mooer, furhmann, Giannini, electro Harmonix, Marshall, vox, engl, orange crush, MG, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 100, borne Vorax, warm music, meteoro nitrous, Pathfinder, ac30, ac15, mesa boogie, dual rectifier, reverb, chorus, loop station, distortion, tube screamer overdrive, flanger, NIG, Elixir, Daddario, Landscape, Ernie Ball, Music Man, Music Maker, tremolo, eagle, vogga, behringer, EMG ativo 81, 85, 57, 59, 60, 84, gretsch electromatic, Yamaha, TC electronics, várias, viva, gold, Cort, S, precision, jazz bass, evolution, malagoli, Sérgio rodar, cabrera, Seymour Duncan, DiMarzio, Peavey, bandit, raptor, predator, rage, 158, 258, Bc rich, Jackson Kelly RR, hh777, evolution, JS, 100, 1000, dinky, takamine, series, S, Japan, team j Craft
R$ 200
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Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro)
Luthier vendas e trocas de instrumentos musicais #* Pedal Marshall the guvnor clássico da Marshall vintage modelo inglês raríssimo de se achar no mercado elétrica nada mexido, trocado toda original sonoridade dele e o pré do jcm800 e o plexi possui loop para efeitos por meio de cabo y verdadeiro clássico da Marshall Meu Whatsapp. 99238-0716 Aceito tb ofertas grana na mão Tb estudo trocas por algo do meu interesse e grana junto Os produtos que trabalho e vendo são novos e usados. Todos itens q vendo são testado antes para segurança minha e de clientes Em caso de possíveis trocas preferência por locais com segurança tanto para mim como para os clientes q quiserem fazer trocas comigo. Qualquer dúvida pode me chamar pelo chat q respondo sem problemas e tiro todas suas dúvidas Trabalho tb com manutenção de instrumentos musicais, revisão e consertos, pinturas trocas de trastes elétricas regulagens etc. Meus únicos interesses são por esses produtos q costumo pegar em possíveis trocas, são eles: pedais, pedaleira, guitarra de canhoto, amplificador, guitarra de destro, celulares, bicicleta, câmera fotográfica ou algo q possa me interessar no momento Contato WhatsApp - 992380716 Busca: Fender, Gibson, PRS SE, Epiphone, Ibanez, Condor, tagima,sx,RG, Prestige, Special, MIM, MIA, México, American, Highway One, Traditional, Eagle, Strinberg, Michael, Jennifer, Squier, Classic vibe, vintage modified, guitarra, pedal, pedaleira, noise gate, afinador, amplificador, stratocaster, telecaster, superstrato, LP Les Paul, SG Solid Guitar, Explorer, Dean, custom, standard, Tagima, 635, 630, 640, 735, 740, 737, 505, zero, vulcan, memphis, shelter, sxsx, Nashville, 52, 32, semi acústica, hollow body, violão, bateria, tama, pedal, baixo, contrabaixo, overdrive, drive, alnico, blues, Texas, teclado, piano, sintetizador, sintetizadores, microfone, boss, zoom, mxr, mooer, furhmann, Giannini, electro Harmonix, Marshall, vox, engl, orange crush, MG, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 100, borne Vorax, warm music, meteoro nitrous, Pathfinder, ac30, ac15, mesa boogie, dual rectifier, reverb, chorus, loop station, distortion, tube screamer overdrive, flanger, NIG, Elixir, Daddario, Landscape, Ernie Ball, Music Man, Music Maker, tremolo, eagle, vogga, behringer, EMG ativo 81, 85, 57, 59, 60, 84, gretsch electromatic, Yamaha, TC electronics, variax, viva, gold, Cort, S, precision, jazz bass, evolution, malagoli, Sérgio rosar, cabrera, Seymour Duncan, DiMarzio, Peavey, bandit, raptor, predator, rage, 158, 258, Bc rich, Jackson Kelly RR, hh777, evolution, JS, 100, 1000, dinky, takamine, series, S, Japan, team j Crafter
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Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro)
Reparos de instrumentos musicais em geral Trabalho com reparos de: Guitarras, baixos, pedais, amplificadores, pedaleiras, violões, com analise prévia do técnico se há reparo ou não do seu instrumento musical Fazendo o trabalho de: regulagens de ponte, regulagens de oitavas, limpeza de instrumentos, troca de captadores, troca de tarraxas, troca de pontes, troca de trastes, revisão em parte elétrica, pinturas, polimentos, baixo, guitarra ou violão, troca de potenciômetros, retifica de trastes reparos elétricos e regulagens de instrumentos novos de loja e alguns tipos de manutenções em amplificadores, pedais e pedaleiras Orçamento grátis !!!! Consertos, valor a partir de 50,00 Negocio valor bom se for pagamento à vista !!! Qualquer coisa use o campo de pergunta q respondo logo Meu whatsapp 992380716 Busca: Fender, Gibson, PRS SE, Epiphone, Ibanez, Condor, tagima,sx,RG, Prestige, Special, MIM, MIA, México, American, Highway One, Traditional, Eagle, Strinberg, Michael, Jennifer, Squier, Classic vibe, vintage modified, guitarra, pedal, pedaleira, noise gate, afinador, amplificador, stratocaster, telecaster, superstrato, LP Les Paul, SG Solid Guitar, Explorer, Dean, custom, standard, Tagima, 635, 630, 640, 735, 740, 737, 505, zero, vulcan, memphis, shelter, sxsx, Nashville, 52, 32, semi acústica, hollow body, violão, bateria, tama, pedal, baixo, contrabaixo, overdrive, drive, alnico, blues, Texas, teclado, piano, sintetizador, sintetizadores, microfone, boss, zoom, mxr, mooer, furhmann, Giannini, electro Harmonix, Marshall, vox, engl, orange crush, MG, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 100, borne Vorax, warm music, meteoro nitrous, Pathfinder, ac30, ac15, mesa boogie, dual rectifier, reverb, chorus, loop station, distortion, tube screamer overdrive, flanger, NIG, Elixir, Daddario, Landscape, Ernie Ball, Music Man, Music Maker, tremolo, eagle, vogga, behringer, EMG ativo 81, 85, 57, 59, 60, 84, gretsch electromatic, Yamaha, TC electronics, variax, viva, gold, Cort, S, precision, jazz bass, evolution, malagoli, Sérgio rosar, cabrera, Seymour Duncan, DiMarzio, Peavey, bandit, raptor, predator, rage, 158, 258, Bc rich, Jackson Kelly RR, hh777, evolution, JS, 100, 1000, dinky, takamine, series, S, Japan, team j Crafter
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Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro)
***# Luthier vendas e trocas de instrumentos musicais #*** Meu Whatsapp. 99238-0716 um camaleao de drivers vai desde um leve over ate um distortion insano !!!! posui simulacao de amp em uma das chaves sem nenhum chiado nos potenciometros e na chave apesar das marcas de uso o som o pedal esta todo ok inclusive as chaves de clipagens !!!! Aceito tb ofertas grana na mão Tb estudo trocas por algo do meu interesse e grana junto Os produtos que trabalho e vendo são novos e usados... Todos itens q vendo são testado antes para segurança minha e de clientes Em caso de possíveis trocas preferência por locais com segurança tanto para mim como para os clientes q quiserem fazer trocas comigo... Qualquer dúvida pode me chamar pelo chat q respondo sem problemas e tiro todas suas dúvidas Trabalho tb com manutenção de instrumentos musicais, revisão e consertos, pinturas trocas de trastes elétricas regulagens etc... Meus únicos interesses são por esses produtos q costumo pegar em possíveis trocas, são eles: pedais, pedaleira, guitarra de canhoto, amplificador, guitarra de destro, celulares, bicicleta, câmera fotográfica ou algo q possa me interessar no momento Contato WhatsApp - 992380716 Busca: Fender, Gibson, PRS SE, Epiphone, Ibanez, Condor, tagima,sx,RG, Prestige, Special, MIM, MIA, México, American, Highway One, Traditional, Eagle, Strinberg, Michael, Jennifer, Squier, Classic vibe, vintage modified, guitarra, pedal, pedaleira, noise gate, afinador, amplificador, stratocaster, telecaster, superstrato, LP Les Paul, SG Solid Guitar, Explorer, Dean, custom, standard, Tagima, 635, 630, 640, 735, 740, 737, 505, zero, vulcan, memphis, shelter, sxsx, Nashville, 52, 32, semi acústica, hollow body, violão, bateria, tama, pedal, baixo, contrabaixo, overdrive, drive, alnico, blues, Texas, teclado, piano, sintetizador, sintetizadores, microfone, boss, zoom, mxr, mooer, furhmann, Giannini, electro Harmonix, Marshall, vox, engl, orange crush, MG, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 100, borne Vorax, warm music, meteoro nitrous, Pathfinder, ac30, ac15, mesa boogie, dual rectifier, reverb, chorus, loop station, distortion, tube screamer overdrive, flanger, NIG, Elixir, Daddario, Landscape, Ernie Ball, Music Man, Music Maker, tremolo, eagle, vogga, behringer, EMG ativo 81, 85, 57, 59, 60, 84, gretsch electromatic, Yamaha, TC electronics, variax, viva, gold, Cort, S, precision, jazz bass, evolution, malagoli, Sérgio rosar, cabrera, Seymour Duncan, DiMarzio, Peavey, bandit, raptor, predator, rage, 158, 258, Bc rich, Jackson Kelly RR, hh777, evolution, JS, 100, 1000, dinky, takamine, series, S, Japan, team j Crafter
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
Em bases limpas ou com um leve overdrive criando uma textura encorpada e espacial, Em solos com distorção e frases de grande sustain, realçando os harmônicos naturais do instrumento, Em dedilhados eruditos criando uma ambientação característica de grandes auditórios. Modelo: SRV1, Spring Reverb Controles: Effect, Type e Decay True Bypass Busca: Fender, Gibson, PRS SE, Epiphone, Ibanez, Condor, tagima,sx,RG, Prestige, Special, MIM, MIA, México, American, Highway One, Traditional, Eagle, Strinberg, Michael, Jennifer, Squier, Classic vibe, vintage modified, guitarra, pedal, pedaleira, noise gate, afinador, amplificador, stratocaster, telecaster, superstrato, LP Les Paul, SG Solid Guitar, Explorer, Dean, custom, standard, Tagima, 635, 630, 640, 735, 740, 737, 505, zero, vulcan, memphis, shelter, sxsx, Nashville, 52, 32, semi acústica, hollow body, violão, bateria, tama, pedal, baixo, contrabaixo, overdrive, drive, alnico, blues, Texas, teclado, piano, sintetizador, sintetizadores, microfone, boss, zoom, mxr, mooer, furhmann, Giannini, electro Harmonix, Marshall, vox, engl, orange crush, MG, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 100, borne Vorax, warm music, meteoro nitrous, Pathfinder, ac30, ac15, mesa boogie, dual rectifier, reverb, chorus, loop station, distortion, tube screamer overdrive, flanger, NIG, Elixir, Daddario, Landscape, Ernie Ball, Music Man, Music Maker, tremolo, eagle, vogga, behringer, EMG ativo 81, 85, 57, 59, 60, 84, gretsch electromatic, Yamaha, TC electronics, variax, viva, gold, Cort, S, precision, jazz bass, evolution, malagoli, Sérgio rosar, cabrera, Seymour Duncan, DiMarzio, Peavey, bandit, raptor, predator, rage, 158, 258, Bc rich, Jackson Kelly RR, hh777, evolution, JS, 100, 1000, dinky, takamine, series, S, Japan, team j Crafter, fender, Gibson, n zaganin, Ibanez, ltd, ESP, SX, shelter, Cort, condor, Epiphone, godim, Takamine, Taylor, Washburn, Parker, prs, Yamaha, Music Man, Starling, olp, Music maker, Golden, Eagle, Giannini, Marshall, mesa boogie, Bugera, Bogner, Suhr, Boss, Roland, Nux, Joyo, Wampler, NIG, elixir, Ernie Ball, dadario, Martin, Line 6, Laney, Borne, warm Music, Peavey, strymon, eventide, makkina, ocd, Fulldrive, Crybaby, Vox, Dunlop, eletroharmonix, digitech, pode HD 500, GT 100, Waldman. Boss, mxr, nig, nux, voodoo lab, cry baby, strymon, fulltone, tube screamer, ocd, line 6, sansamp, bogner, bb preamp, tc eletronics, vox, Marshall, fender, suhr, prs, laney, peavey, landscape, fire, fuhrmann, meteoro, yamaha, tagima, Memphis, condor, cort, Big sky, time line, delay, reverb, Gibson, epiphone, Joyo, mooer, tmiranda, jhs, behringer, digitech, toneworks, pod hd500, gt10, gt100, overdrive, distotion, phase, vibrato, tremolo, loop core, station, shimmer, chorus, orange, blackstar, mesa boogie, music man, matchless, bugera, engl, captador, guitarra, baixo, teclado, bateria, tonelab, valvulado
R$ 180
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
Pedal Danelectro Fab D-2 Overdrive Overdrive realista, responsivo e versátil. A Danelectro coloca o pedal FAB D-2 Overdrive em suas mãos, sem limpar sua carteira. O cobiçado som do overdrive em um pequeno pedal FAB. Funções de controle: LEVEL: Este controle ajusta o nível da saída para o amplificador. TONE: Rode este controlo para ajustar o EQ. OVERDRIVE: Utilize este controle para ajustar a quantidade de Overdrive. Busca: Fender, Gibson, PRS SE, Epiphone, Ibanez, Condor, tagima,sx,RG, Prestige, Special, MIM, MIA, México, American, Highway One, Traditional, Eagle, Strinberg, Michael, Jennifer, Squier, Classic vibe, vintage modified, guitarra, pedal, pedaleira, noise gate, afinador, amplificador, stratocaster, telecaster, superstrato, LP Les Paul, SG Solid Guitar, Explorer, Dean, custom, standard, Tagima, 635, 630, 640, 735, 740, 737, 505, zero, vulcan, memphis, shelter, sxsx, Nashville, 52, 32, semi acústica, hollow body, violão, bateria, tama, pedal, baixo, contrabaixo, overdrive, drive, alnico, blues, Texas, teclado, piano, sintetizador, sintetizadores, microfone, boss, zoom, mxr, mooer, furhmann, Giannini, electro Harmonix, Marshall, vox, engl, orange crush, MG, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 100, borne Vorax, warm music, meteoro nitrous, Pathfinder, ac30, ac15, mesa boogie, dual rectifier, reverb, chorus, loop station, distortion, tube screamer overdrive, flanger, NIG, Elixir, Daddario, Landscape, Ernie Ball, Music Man, Music Maker, tremolo, eagle, vogga, behringer, EMG ativo 81, 85, 57, 59, 60, 84, gretsch electromatic, Yamaha, TC electronics, variax, viva, gold, Cort, S, precision, jazz bass, evolution, malagoli, Sérgio rosar, cabrera, Seymour Duncan, DiMarzio, Peavey, bandit, raptor, predator, rage, 158, 258, Bc rich, Jackson Kelly RR, hh777, evolution, JS, 100, 1000, dinky, takamine, series, S, Japan, team j Crafter, fender, Gibson, n zaganin, Ibanez, ltd, ESP, SX, shelter, Cort, condor, Epiphone, godim, Takamine, Taylor, Washburn, Parker, prs, Yamaha, Music Man, Starling, olp, Music maker, Golden, Eagle, Giannini, Marshall, mesa boogie, Bugera, Bogner, Suhr, Boss, Roland, Nux, Joyo, Wampler, NIG, elixir, Ernie Ball, dadario, Martin, Line 6, Laney, Borne, warm Music, Peavey, strymon, eventide, makkina, ocd, Fulldrive, Crybaby, Vox, Dunlop, eletroharmonix, digitech, pode HD 500, GT 100, Waldman. Boss, mxr, nig, nux, voodoo lab, cry baby, strymon, fulltone, tube screamer, ocd, line 6, sansamp, bogner, bb preamp, tc eletronics, vox, Marshall, fender, suhr, prs, laney, peavey, landscape, fire, fuhrmann, meteoro, yamaha, tagima, Memphis, condor, cort, Big sky, time line, delay, reverb, Gibson, epiphone, Joyo, mooer, tmiranda, jhs, behringer, digitech, toneworks, pod hd500, gt10, gt100, overdrive, distotion, phase, vibrato, tremolo, loop core, station, shimmer, chorus, orange, blackstar, mesa boogie, music man, matchless, bugera, engl, captador, guitarra, baixo, teclado, bateria, tonelab, valvulado
R$ 120
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
Se você estiver procurando por um simples e fácil de usar pedal de distorção, não procure mais. O pedal Washburn Bad Dog Distortion tem um amplo espectro de tons de uma ultrapassagem de luz, a limítrofe tons de distorção de metal. características: Die construção em metal fundido indicador LED O efeito estéreo de entrada mono Comutação ativa para operação silenciosa Busca: Fender, Gibson, PRS SE, Epiphone, Ibanez, Condor, tagima,sx,RG, Prestige, Special, MIM, MIA, México, American, Highway One, Traditional, Eagle, Strinberg, Michael, Jennifer, Squier, Classic vibe, vintage modified, guitarra, pedal, pedaleira, noise gate, afinador, amplificador, stratocaster, telecaster, superstrato, LP Les Paul, SG Solid Guitar, Explorer, Dean, custom, standard, Tagima, 635, 630, 640, 735, 740, 737, 505, zero, vulcan, memphis, shelter, sxsx, Nashville, 52, 32, semi acústica, hollow body, violão, bateria, tama, pedal, baixo, contrabaixo, overdrive, drive, alnico, blues, Texas, teclado, piano, sintetizador, sintetizadores, microfone, boss, zoom, mxr, mooer, furhmann, Giannini, electro Harmonix, Marshall, vox, engl, orange crush, MG, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 100, borne Vorax, warm music, meteoro nitrous, Pathfinder, ac30, ac15, mesa boogie, dual rectifier, reverb, chorus, loop station, distortion, tube screamer overdrive, flanger, NIG, Elixir, Daddario, Landscape, Ernie Ball, Music Man, Music Maker, tremolo, eagle, vogga, behringer, EMG ativo 81, 85, 57, 59, 60, 84, gretsch electromatic, Yamaha, TC electronics, variax, viva, gold, Cort, S, precision, jazz bass, evolution, malagoli, Sérgio rosar, cabrera, Seymour Duncan, DiMarzio, Peavey, bandit, raptor, predator, rage, 158, 258, Bc rich, Jackson Kelly RR, hh777, evolution, JS, 100, 1000, dinky, takamine, series, S, Japan, team j Crafter, fender, Gibson, n zaganin, Ibanez, ltd, ESP, SX, shelter, Cort, condor, Epiphone, godim, Takamine, Taylor, Washburn, Parker, prs, Yamaha, Music Man, Starling, olp, Music maker, Golden, Eagle, Giannini, Marshall, mesa boogie, Bugera, Bogner, Suhr, Boss, Roland, Nux, Joyo, Wampler, NIG, elixir, Ernie Ball, dadario, Martin, Line 6, Laney, Borne, warm Music, Peavey, strymon, eventide, makkina, ocd, Fulldrive, Crybaby, Vox, Dunlop, eletroharmonix, digitech, pode HD 500, GT 100, Waldman. Boss, mxr, nig, nux, voodoo lab, cry baby, strymon, fulltone, tube screamer, ocd, line 6, sansamp, bogner, bb preamp, tc eletronics, vox, Marshall, fender, suhr, prs, laney, peavey, landscape, fire, fuhrmann, meteoro, yamaha, tagima, Memphis, condor, cort, Big sky, time line, delay, reverb, Gibson, epiphone, Joyo, mooer, tmiranda, jhs, behringer, digitech, toneworks, pod hd500, gt10, gt100, overdrive, distotion, phase, vibrato, tremolo, loop core, station, shimmer, chorus, orange, blackstar, mesa boogie, music man, matchless, bugera, engl, captador, guitarra, baixo, teclado, bateria, tonelab, valvulado
R$ 150
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Montenegro (Rio Grande do Sul)
Ferragens Pearl em perfeito estado. - pedal Pearl R$190 - máquina de chimbal Pearl R$250 - estante de prato Pearl 190 - banco Pearl 190 Novas. Apenas venda Pratos de bateria e acessórios, bateria, pedal duplo e simples, mapex, pearl, tama, paiste, sabian, Zildjian, dw, prime, odery, gibraltar, anatolian, bosphorus, turkish, octagon, orion, krest, zeus, PEARL - TAMA - DW - YAMAHA - MAPEX - PAISTE - ZILDJIAN - SABIAN - MEINL ISTANBUL - BOSPHORUS - ROLAND - REMO - EVANS - VIC FIRTH - PRO MARK Fender, Gibson, PRS SE, Epiphone, Ibanez, Condor, tagima,sx,RG, Prestige, Special, MIM, MIA, México, American, Highway One, Traditional, Eagle, Strinberg, Michael, Jennifer, Squier, Classic vibe, vintage modified, guitarra, pedal, pedaleira, noise gate, afinador, amplificui simulador, stratocaster, telecaster, superstrato, LP Les Paul, SG Solid Guitar, Explorer, Dean, custom, standard, Tagima, 635, 630, 640, 735, 740, 737, 505, zero, vulcan, memphis, shelter, sxsx, Nashville, 52, 32, semi acústica, hollow body, violão, bateria, tama, pedal, baixo, contrabaixo, overdrive, drive, alnico, blues, Texas, teclado, piano, sintetizador, sintetizadores, microfone, boss, zoom, mxr, mooer, furhmann, Giannini, electro Harmonix, Marshall, vox, engl, orange crush, MG, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 100, borne Vorax, warm music, meteoro nitrous, Pathfinder, ac30, ac15, mesa boogie, dual rectifier, reverb, chorus, loop station, distortion, tube screamer overdrive, flanger, NIG, Elixir, Daddario, Landscape, Ernie Ball, Music Man, Music Maker, tremolo, eagle, vogga, behringer, EMG ativo 81, 85, 57, 59, 60, 84, gretsch electromatic, Yamaha, TC electronics, variax, viva, gold, Cort, S, precision, jazz bass, evolution, malagoli, Sérgio rosar, cabrera, Seymour Duncan, DiMarzio, Peavey, bandit, raptor, predator, rage, 158, 258, Bc rich, Jackson Kelly RR, hh777, evolution, JS, 100, 1000, dinky, takamine, series, S, Japan, team j Crafter
R$ 690
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Montenegro (Rio Grande do Sul)
P.A. PORTÁTIL SAMSON EXPEDITION XP308I Novo na caixa. Acessórios no plástico. Sem uso. Tenho mais fotos reais para enviar. Ótimo amplificador portátil, fácil de transportar e com ótimo timbre. ?Quem comprar leva junto o adaptador Bluetooth original e o suporte da mesa original que é vendido a parte.? ? Sistema compacto de PA composto por 2 caixas de 150 Watts e um mixer amplificado ? Amplificação classe D com 2 x 150 Watts RMS ? Woofer de 8? ? Driver de titânio de 1? ? Mixer com 4 canais mic/line 2 estéreos e doca para i-pod ? Equalização de 2 bandas nos canais ? Reverb nos canais de microfone ? Chave music/speech para equalização de sistema ? Led de 6 segmentos ? Saídas de monitor, rec out e master ? Sistema especial para armazenamento do mixer e cabos ? Cabos inclusos ? Dimensões: A=485 mm x L=510 mm x P=270 mm ? Peso: 16,8 kg O Expedition XP308i é a última palavra em sistema de PA portátil graças a seu design compacto e seu peso realmente leve. Seu design inteligente permite que todos os equipamentos se encaixem formando um conjunto harmonioso, perfeito para escolas de música, músicos profissionais, performances de pequeno e médio porte como palestras, apresentações teatrais ou ainda mesmo para bares e restaurantes com música ao vivo. Este sistema de PA compacto conta com 2 caixas de 2 vias e 300 Watts de potência. Falantes de 8? e drive de 1? de titânio proporcionam grande dispersão com alta fidelidade. A sonoridade limpa, definida e poderosa deste sistema é garantida ainda por um amplificador Classe D integrado (2 x 150 Watts). Para maior conveniência e versatilidade, o mixer que completa este conjunto apresenta conexão especial para iPod, o que facilita as apresentações/performances com playbacks. As quatro entradas mic/line deste mixer facilitam o uso de microfones ou equipamentos em linha, enquanto suas outras duas entradas estéreo possibilitam o uso de teclados, baterias eletrônicas ou ainda CD/MP3 players. Apresenta ainda controle de graves e agudos para cada canal e conexão Phantom Power para as performances com microfones condensadores Fender, Gibson, PRS SE, Epiphone, Ibanez, Condor, tagima,sx,RG, Prestige, Special, MIM, MIA, México, American, Highway One, Traditional, Eagle, Strinberg, Michael, Jennifer, Squier, Classic vibe, vintage modified, guitarra, pedal, pedaleira, noise gate, afinador, amplificui simulador, stratocaster, telecaster, superstrato, LP Les Paul, SG Solid Guitar, Explorer, Dean, custom, standard, Tagima, 635, 630, 640, 735, 740, 737, 505, zero, vulcan, memphis, shelter, sxsx, Nashville, 52, 32, semi acústica, hollow body, violão, bateria, tama, pedal, baixo, contrabaixo, overdrive, drive, alnico, blues, Texas, teclado, piano, sintetizador, sintetizadores, microfone, boss, zoom, mxr, mooer, furhmann, Giannini, electro Harmonix, Marshall, vox, engl, orange crush, MG, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 100, borne Vorax, warm music, meteoro nitrous, Pathfinder, ac30, ac15, mesa boogie, dual rectifier, reverb, chorus, loop station, distortion, tube screamer overdrive, flanger, NIG, Elixir, Daddario, Landscape, Ernie Ball, Music Man, Music Maker, tremolo, eagle, vogga, behringer, EMG ativo 81, 85, 57, 59, 60, 84, gretsch electromatic, Yamaha, TC electronics, variax, viva, gold, Cort, S, precision, jazz bass, evolution, malagoli, Sérgio rosar, cabrera, Seymour Duncan, DiMarzio, Peavey, bandit, raptor, predator, rage, 158, 258, Bc rich, Jackson Kelly RR, hh777, evolution, JS, 100, 1000, dinky, takamine, series, S, Japan, team j Crafter violão, voz, bar, ensaio acústico
R$ 1.900
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Montenegro (Rio Grande do Sul)
Guitarra gibson flying v original usa + case e documentação. Toda original. Estado de nova acompanha documentação. somente venda Fender, Gibson, PRS SE, Epiphone, Ibanez, Condor, tagima,sx,RG, Prestige, Special, MIM, MIA, México, American, Highway One, Traditional, Eagle, Strinberg, Michael, Jennifer, Squier, Classic vibe, vintage modified, guitarra, pedal, pedaleira, noise gate, afinador, amplificui simulador, stratocaster, telecaster, superstrato, LP Les Paul, SG Solid Guitar, Explorer, Dean, custom, standard, Tagima, 635, 630, 640, 735, 740, 737, 505, zero, vulcan, memphis, shelter, sxsx, Nashville, 52, 32, semi acústica, hollow body, violão, bateria, tama, pedal, baixo, contrabaixo, overdrive, drive, alnico, blues, Texas, teclado, piano, sintetizador, sintetizadores, microfone, boss, zoom, mxr, mooer, furhmann, Giannini, electro Harmonix, Marshall, vox, engl, orange crush, MG, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 100, borne Vorax, warm music, meteoro nitrous, Pathfinder, ac30, ac15, mesa boogie, dual rectifier, reverb, chorus, loop station, distortion, tube screamer overdrive, flanger, NIG, Elixir, Daddario, Landscape, Ernie Ball, Music Man, Music Maker, tremolo, eagle, vogga, behringer, EMG ativo 81, 85, 57, 59, 60, 84, gretsch electromatic, Yamaha, TC electronics, variax, viva, gold, Cort, S, precision, jazz bass, evolution, malagoli, Sérgio rosar, cabrera, Seymour Duncan, DiMarzio, Peavey, bandit, raptor, predator, rage, 158, 258, Bc rich, Jackson Kelly RR, hh777, evolution, JS, 100, 1000, dinky, takamine, series, S, Japan, team j Crafter
R$ 6.750
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Montenegro (Rio Grande do Sul)
TORRO Bateria Pearl Rhythm Traveler Gig Branca Nova. Na caixa Instrumento novo. Sem riscos. Nunca saiu de casa. Excepcional estado de conservação. Apenas venda. Informações Técnicas: - Bateria Pearl Rhythm Traveler GIG RTGX665-C; - Configurações: tons de 8"x3,5", 10"x4", 12"x5", caixa 10"x5" e bumbo de 16"x14"; - Peles ProTon; - Feita em Poplar; - Ferragens cromadas; - Superfície laminado; Pratos de bateria e acessórios, bateria, pedal duplo e simples, ferragens, ferragem, mapex, pearl, tama, paiste, sabian, Zildjian, dw, prime, odery, gibraltar, anatolian, bosphorus, turkish, octagon, orion, krest, zeus, PEARL - TAMA - DW - YAMAHA - MAPEX - PAISTE - ZILDJIAN - SABIAN - MEINL ISTANBUL - BOSPHORUS - ROLAND - REMO - EVANS - VIC FIRTH - PRO MARK Fender, Gibson, PRS SE, Epiphone, Ibanez, Condor, tagima,sx,RG, Prestige, Special, MIM, MIA, México, American, Highway One, Traditional, Eagle, Strinberg, Michael, Jennifer, Squier, Classic vibe, vintage modified, guitarra, pedal, pedaleira, noise gate, afinador, amplificui simulador, stratocaster, telecaster, superstrato, LP Les Paul, SG Solid Guitar, Explorer, Dean, custom, standard, Tagima, 635, 630, 640, 735, 740, 737, 505, zero, vulcan, memphis, shelter, sxsx, Nashville, 52, 32, semi acústica, hollow body, violão, bateria, tama, pedal, baixo, contrabaixo, overdrive, drive, alnico, blues, Texas, teclado, piano, sintetizador, sintetizadores, microfone, boss, zoom, mxr, mooer, furhmann, Giannini, electro Harmonix, Marshall, vox, engl, orange crush, MG, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 100, borne Vorax, warm music, meteoro nitrous, Pathfinder, ac30, ac15, mesa boogie, dual rectifier, reverb, chorus, loop station, distortion, tube screamer overdrive, flanger, NIG, Elixir, Daddario, Landscape, Ernie Ball, Music Man, Music Maker, tremolo, eagle, vogga, behringer, EMG ativo 81, 85, 57, 59, 60, 84, gretsch electromatic, Yamaha, TC electronics, variax, viva, gold, Cort, S, precision, jazz bass, evolution, malagoli, Sérgio rosar, cabrera, Seymour Duncan, DiMarzio, Peavey, bandit, raptor, predator, rage, 158, 258, Bc rich, Jackson Kelly RR, hh777, evolution, JS, 100, 1000, dinky, takamine, series, S, Japan, team j Crafter bar acústico acústica palco ensaio Igreja set trio
R$ 1.690
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Montenegro (Rio Grande do Sul)
Caixa bateria Pearl 13 polegadas Rhythm Traveler Ótimo estado. Pele Protone. Acompanha bag super luxo com alça. Aceito cartão. Pratos de bateria e acessórios, bateria, pedal duplo e simples, ferragens, ferragem, mapex, pearl, tama, paiste, sabian, Zildjian, dw, prime, odery, gibraltar, anatolian, bosphorus, turkish, octagon, orion, krest, zeus, PEARL - TAMA - DW - YAMAHA - MAPEX - PAISTE - ZILDJIAN - SABIAN - MEINL ISTANBUL - BOSPHORUS - ROLAND - REMO - EVANS - VIC FIRTH - PRO MARK Fender, Gibson, PRS SE, Epiphone, Ibanez, Condor, tagima,sx,RG, Prestige, Special, MIM, MIA, México, American, Highway One, Traditional, Eagle, Strinberg, Michael, Jennifer, Squier, Classic vibe, vintage modified, guitarra, pedal, pedaleira, noise gate, afinador, amplificui simulador, stratocaster, telecaster, superstrato, LP Les Paul, SG Solid Guitar, Explorer, Dean, custom, standard, Tagima, 635, 630, 640, 735, 740, 737, 505, zero, vulcan, memphis, shelter, sxsx, Nashville, 52, 32, semi acústica, hollow body, violão, bateria, tama, pedal, baixo, contrabaixo, overdrive, drive, alnico, blues, Texas, teclado, piano, sintetizador, sintetizadores, microfone, boss, zoom, mxr, mooer, furhmann, Giannini, electro Harmonix, Marshall, vox, engl, orange crush, MG, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 100, borne Vorax, warm music, meteoro nitrous, Pathfinder, ac30, ac15, mesa boogie, dual rectifier, reverb, chorus, loop station, distortion, tube screamer overdrive, flanger, NIG, Elixir, Daddario, Landscape, Ernie Ball, Music Man, Music Maker, tremolo, eagle, vogga, behringer, EMG ativo 81, 85, 57, 59, 60, 84, gretsch electromatic, Yamaha, TC electronics, variax, viva, gold, Cort, S, precision, jazz bass, evolution, malagoli, Sérgio rosar, cabrera, Seymour Duncan, DiMarzio, Peavey, bandit, raptor, predator, rage, 158, 258, Bc rich, Jackson Kelly RR, hh777, evolution, JS, 100, 1000, dinky, takamine, series, S, Japan, team j Crafter, bar acústico acústica palco ensaio Igreja set trio
R$ 350
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Brasil (Todas as cidades)
Lente no Brasil, envio automático, fast, versatile prime, this 30mm f/1.4 DC DN Contemporary Lens from Sigma is designed for APS-C-format Sony E-mount mirrorless cameras, where it provides a 45mm equivalent focal length. The bright f/1.4 maximum aperture benefits working in low-light conditions and also affords extensive control over focus placement for using selective focus techniques. In regard to the optical design, one aspherical element and one double-sided aspherical element pair to significantly reduce spherical aberrations for increased clarity and definition for notably sharp image quality. A high-refractive index element is also featured, to minimize color fringing and chromatic aberrations, and a Super Multi-Layer Coating has been applied to control lens flare and ghosting in strong lighting conditions. Additionally, benefitting both stills shooting and video recording, this compact prime also incorporates a stepping AF motor or smooth, near-silent autofocus performance. Designed as a versatile standard lens, the mixture of speed and optical prowess make this a go-to lens for mirrorless shooters. A truly versatile standard prime, this 30mm lens is designed for APS-C-format Sony E-mount mirrorless cameras where it provides a 45mm equivalent focal length. Fast f/1.4 maximum aperture excels in low-light conditions and also affords greater focus control for producing shallow depth of field effects. One aspherical element and one double-sided aspherical element control a range of spherical aberrations and distortions for increased sharpness and resolution. Additionally, a high-refractive index, high-dispersion glass element is also integrated into the design, and offers anomalous partial dispersion characteristics to control chromatic aberrations and reduce color fringing. A Super Multi-Layer Coating has been applied to lens elements in order to minimize lens flare and ghosting and contribute to producing contrast-rich and color-neutral imagery, even in backlit conditions. A stepping AF motor benefits both photographers and videographers with its fast, precise, and near-silent performance. A rounded nine-blade diaphragm contributes to a pleasing bokeh quality. The lens is constructed using a Thermally Stable Composite (TSC) material, along with traditional metals, for greater precision and use in wide temperature variations. The outside of the lens barrel is also engraved with the year of production. The bayonet mount is constructed from brass for ensured accuracy and durability.
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Brasil (Todas as cidades)
Nikon Digital SLR Camera D3100 Specifications Type Type Single-lens reflex digital camera Lens mount Nikon F mount (with AF contacts) Effective angle of view Approx. 1.5 x lens focal length (Nikon DX format) Effective pixels Effective pixels 14.2 million Image sensor Image sensor 23.1 x 15.4 mm CMOS sensor Total pixels 14.8 million Dust-reduction system Image sensor cleaning, Airflow Control System, Image Dust Off reference data (optional Capture NX 2 software required) Storage Image size (pixels) " 4,608 x 3,072 [L] " 3,456 x 2,304 [M] " 2,304 x 1,536 [S] File format " NEF (RAW) " JPEG: JPEG-Baseline compliant with fine (approx. 1:4), normal (approx. 1:8), or basic (approx. 1:16) compression " NEF (RAW) + JPEG: Single photograph recorded in both NEF (RAW) and JPEG formats Picture Control System Standard, Neutral, Vivid, Monochrome, Portrait, Landscape; selected Picture Control can be modified Media SD (Secure Digital), SDHC and SDXC memory cards File system DCF (Design Rule for Camera File System) 2.0, DPOF (Digital Print Order Format), Exif 2.21 (Exchangeable Image File Format for Digital Still Cameras), PictBridge Viewfinder Viewfinder Eye-level pentamirror single-lens reflex viewfinder Frame coverage Approx. 95% horizontal and 95% vertical Magnification Approx. 0.8 x (50 mm f/1.4 lens at infinity, -1.0 m-1) Eyepoint 18 mm (-1.0 m-1) Diopter adjustment -1.7 to +0.5 m-1 Focusing screen Type B BriteView Clear Matte Mark VII screen Reflex mirror Quick return Lens aperture Instant return, electronically controlled Lens Compatible lenses " AF-S and AF-I: All functions supported. " Type G or D AF NIKKOR without built-in autofocus motor: All functions except autofocus supported. IX NIKKOR lenses not supported. " Other AF NIKKOR: All functions supported except autofocus and 3D color matrix metering II. Lenses for F3AF not supported. " Type D PC NIKKOR: All functions supported except autofocus and some shooting modes. " AI-P NIKKOR: All functions supported except autofocus and 3D color matrix metering II. " Non-CPU: Autofocus not supported. Can be used in exposure mode M, but exposure meter does not function. Note: Electronic rangefinder can be used if lens has a maximum aperture of f/5.6 or faster. Shutter Type Electronically controlled vertical-travel focal-plane shutter Speed 1/4000 to 30 s in steps of 1/3 EV, Bulb Flash sync speed X=1/200 s; synchronizes with shutter at 1/200 s or slower Release Release mode (single frame),(continuous),(self-timer),(quiet shutter release) Frame advance rate Up to 3 fps (manual focus, mode M or S, shutter speed 1/250 s or faster, and other settings at default values) Self-timer 2 s, 10 s Exposure Metering TTL exposure metering using 420-pixel RGB sensor Metering method " Matrix: 3D color matrix metering II (type G and D lenses); color matrix metering II (other CPU lenses) " Center-weighted: Weight of 75% given to 8-mm circle in center of frame " Spot: Meters 3.5-mm circle (about 2.5% of frame) centered on selected focus point Range (ISO 100, f/1.4 lens, 20°C/68°F) " Matrix or center-weighted metering: 0 to 20 EV " Spot metering: 2 to 20 EV Exposure meter coupling CPU Exposure modes Auto modes (auto, auto [flash off]); scene modes (portrait; landscape; child; sports; close up; night portrait); programmed auto with flexible program (P); shutter-priority auto (S); aperture-priority auto (A); manual (M) Exposure compensation -5 to +5 EV in increments of 1/3 EV Exposure lock Luminosity locked at detected value with AE-L/AF-L button ISO sensitivity (Recommended Exposure Index) ISO 100 to 3200 in steps of 1 EV; can also be set to approx. 1 EV above ISO 3200 (ISO 6400 equivalent) or to approx. 2 EV above ISO 3200 (ISO 12800 equivalent); auto ISO sensitivity control available Active D-Lighting On, Off Focus Autofocus Nikon Multi-CAM 1000 autofocus sensor module with TTL phase detection, 11 focus points (including one cross-type sensor), and AF-assist illuminator (range approx. 0.5 to 3m/1 ft. 8 in. to 9 ft. 10 in.) Detection range -1 to +19 EV (ISO 100, 20°C/68°F) Lens servo " Autofocus (AF): Single-servo AF (AF-S); continuous-servo AF (AF-C); auto AF-S/AF-C selection (AF-A); predictive focus tracking activated automatically according to subject status " Manual focus (MF): Electronic rangefinder can be used Focus point Can be selected from 11 focus points AF-area mode Single-point AF, dynamic-area AF, auto-area AF, 3D-tracking (11 points) Focus lock Focus can be locked by pressing shutter-release button halfway (single-servo AF) or by pressing AE-L/AF-L button Flash Built-in flash Auto, Portrait, Child, Close up, Night portrait: Auto flash with auto pop-up P, S, A, M: Manual pop-up with button release Guide number Approx. 12/39, 13/43 with manual flash (m/ft, ISO 100, 20°C/68°F) Flash control " TTL: i-TTL balanced fill-flash and standard i-TTL flash for digital SLR using 420-pixel RGB sensor are available with built-in flash and SB-900, SB-800, SB-600, or SB-400 (i-TTL balanced fill-flash is available when matrixor center-weighted metering is selected) " Auto aperture: Available with SB-900/SB-800 and CPU lens " Non-TTL auto: Supported flash units include SB-900, SB-800, SB-80DX, SB-28DX, SB-28, SB-27, and SB-22S " Distance-priority manual: Available with SB-900 and SB-800 Flash mode Auto, auto with red-eye reduction, fill-flash, auto slow sync, auto slow sync with red-eye correction, and rear curtain with slow sync Flash compensation -3 to +1 EV in increments of 1/3 EV Flash-ready indicator Lights when built-in flash or optional flash unit such as SB-900, SB-800, SB-600, or SB-400 is fully charged; blinks for 3 s after flash is fired at full output Accessory shoe ISO 518 hot-shoe with sync and data contacts and safety lock Nikon Creative Lighting System (CLS) Advanced Wireless Lighting supported with SB-900, SB-800, or SU-800 as commander; Flash Color Information Communication supported with built-in flash and all CLS-compatible flash units Sync terminal Sync Terminal Adapter AS-15 (available separately) White balance White balance Auto, incandescent, fluorescent (7 types), direct sunlight, flash, cloudy, shade, preset manual, all except preset manual with fine tuning. Live View Lens servo " Autofocus (AF): Single-servo AF (AF-S); full-time-servo AF (AF-F) " Manual focus (MF) AF-area mode Face-priority AF, wide-area AF, normal-area AF, subject-tracking AF Autofocus Contrast-detect AF anywhere in frame (camera selects focus point automatically when face-priority AF or subject-tracking AF is selected) Scene Auto Selector Available in auto and auto (flash off) modes Movie Metering TTL exposure metering using main image sensor Metering method Matrix Frame size (pixels) and frame rate " 1,920 x 1,080 (24p): 24 fps (23.976 fps) " 1,280 x 720 (30p): 30 fps (29.97 fps) " 1,280 x 720 (25p): 25 fps " 1,280 x 720 (24p): 24 fps (23.976 fps) " 640 x 424 (24p): 24 fps (23.976 fps) Maximum recording time 10 min. File format MOV Video compression H.264/MPEG-4 Advanced Video Coding Audio recording format Linear PCM Audio recording device Built-in monaural microphone Monitor LCD monitor 7.5-cm/3-in., approx. 230 k-dot TFT LCD with brightness adjustment Playback Playback function Full-frame and thumbnail (4, 9, or 72 images or calendar) playback with playback zoom, movie playback, slide show, histogram display, highlights, auto image rotation, and image comment (up to 36 characters) Interface USB Hi-Speed USB Video output NTSC, PAL HDMI output Type C mini-pin HDMI connector Accessory terminal " Remote cord: MC-DC2 (available separately) " GPS unit: GP-1 (available separately) Supported languages Supported languages Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish Power source Battery One Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL14 AC adapter AC adapter EH-5a; requires power connector EP-5A (available separately) Tripod socket Tripod socket 1/4 in. (ISO 1222) Dimensions / weight Dimensions (W x H x D) Approx. 124 x 96 x 74.5 mm (4.9 x 3.8 x 2.9 in.) Weight Approx. 505 g (1lb. 1.8 oz.) with battery and memory card but without body cap; Approx. 455 g / 1lb. (camera body only) Operating environment Temperature 0 to 40°C (32 to 104°F) Humidity Less than 85% (no condensation) Accessories Supplied accessories (may differ by country or area) Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL14, Battery Charger MH-24, Eyepiece Cap DK-5, Rubber Eyecap DK-20, Camera Strap AN-DC3, Accessory Shoe Cover BS-1, Body Cap BF-1B, ViewNX 2 CD-ROM, Ferrite Core (2 types) * Microsoft and Windows, Windows 7 are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. * Macintosh and QuickTime are registered trademarks or trademarks of Apple Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. * The SD logo is a trademark of the SD Card Association. * The SDXC logo is a trademark. * PictBridge is a trademark. * HDMI, the HDMI logo and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC. * Products and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. * Images in viewfinders, on LCDs and monitors shown in this website are simulated. Memory card capacity*1 The following table shows the approximate number of pictures that can be stored on a 4 GB SanDisk Extreme SDHC card at different image quality and size settings. Image quality Image size File size*1 No. of images*1 Buffer capacity*2 NEF (RAW) + JPEG fine*3 L 19.8 MB 151 9 NEF (RAW) - 12.9 MB 226 13 JPEG fine L M S 6.8 MB 3.9 MB 1.8 MB 460 815 1700 100 100 100 JPEG normal L M S 3.4 MB 2.0 MB 0.9 MB 914 1500 3300 100 100 100 JPEG basic L M S 1.7 MB 1.0 MB 0.5 MB 1700 3000 6000 100 100 100 *1: All figures are approximate. File size varies with scene recorded. *2: Maximum number of exposures that can be stored in memory buffer at ISO 100. Drops when noise reduction is on. *3: Image size applies to JPEG images only. Size of NEF (RAW) images can not be changed. File size is the total for NEF (RAW) and JPEG images. Approved memory cards The following SD memory cards have been tested and approved for use in the D3100. Cards with class 6 write speeds are recommended for movie recording. Recording may end unexpectedly when cards with slower write speeds are used. SD memory cards SDHC memory cards*2 SDXC memory cards*3 SanDisk 512 MB¿1GB¿2GB*1 4GB¿8GB¿16GB 64GB Toshiba 512 MB¿1GB¿2GB*1 4GB¿8GB¿16GB¿32GB 64GB Panasonic 512 MB¿1GB¿2GB*1 4GB¿6GB¿8GB¿12GB¿16GB¿32GB 48GB¿64GB LEXAR MEDIA 512 MB¿1GB¿2GB*1 4GB¿8GB - Platinum II 512 MB¿1GB¿2GB*1 4GB¿8GB - Professional 512 MB¿1GB¿2GB*1 4GB¿8GB¿16GB¿32GB - *1: Check that any card readers or other devices with which the card will be used support 2 GB cards. *2: Check that any card readers or other devices with which the card will be used are SDHC-compliant. *3: Check that any card readers or other devices with which the card will be used are SDXC-compliant. Notes: * Please check with the SD card manufacturer regarding features, specifications, warranty, and other items. Nikon cannot assure compatibility with SD cards not listed above. * Limited to cards tested at the time of July 2010. Additional cards may be fully compatible. Contact Nikon Customer Service for additional information.
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Brasil (Todas as cidades)
Bônus: estojo, cartão SD de 16GB da Samsung e adaptador de energia! Câmera em bom estado de conservação, importada da Inglaterra. Lumix TZ10 Winner of the Best Travel Compact Camera 2010/11 EISA Award The Lumix TZ10 has been awarded the prestigious Best Travel Compact Camera 2010/11 EISA (European Imaging Sound Association) Award. The panel stated: "The Panasonic LUMIX DMC-TZ10 represents a big step forward for the company’s TZ series. Beyond all the auto and user-selectable specialised scene options - with new Pinhole and Film Grain modes - the TZ10 offers the more traditional P/S/A/M shooting modes for greater control and increased creativity. As a travel camera, the inclusion of GPS and geo-tagging is very welcome, while the 12x 25-300mm Leica DC Vario-Elmar zoom lens offers focal lengths for every occasion. The feature set is completed with AVCHD Lite video recording. And, better still, it all fits very easily into your pocket". Ultra Compact Zoom With a strong heritage, this fourth generation TZ model features a high-quality LEICA DC VARIO ELMAR 25mm ultra-wide-angle lens with a 12x optical zoom. A high quality lens like this, with a range from 25mm to 300mm[1], is almost inconceivable in such a small, lightweight camera. The new model has a 14.5-megapixel CCD and shoots with up to 12.1-megapixel resolution. This enables multi-aspect shooting that can reproduce images taken with the lens set from 25mm to 300mm in any of three aspect ratios - 4:3, 3:2 or 16:9 - so you can always capture dynamic, richly expressive shots with a wide perspective. The Multi Aspect mode lets you to take an image in all three aspect ratios simultaneously then choose the one that best suits your scene after shooting -perfect for when you want to take a picture for widescreen TV use but also to make conventional prints. Never Forget your Location with Built-in GPS Function Panasonic’s TZ series has received world wide acclaim as an excellent travel companion because of a wide shooting range and hybrid recording capability of high quality photo and movie. The new TZ10 further enhances its value by adding a built-in GPS unit into the camera. Manual Exposure for More Control The TZ10's iA mode is the perfect camera for every user to be able to take beautiful shots effortlessly. Going one step further, the TZ10 also features manual control for advanced expressive photo shooting. It has A(Aperture Priority) / S(Shutter Speed Priority) / M (Manual Exposure) modes for advanced users to enjoy the creative shots depending on the subject or the scene by controlling the shutter speed and aperture. Each of these modes and iA mode can be quickly set by the mode dial on the top of the camera unit. HD Movie In addition to Motion JPEG images[4], the DMC-TZ10 can record high-definition motion picture in AVCHD Lite. It allows almost doubling of the recording time in HD quality compared with the conventional Motion JPEG format. The picture quality is greatly enhanced thanks to the newly added Intelligent Resolution technology. The TZ10 also features Dolby Digital Stereo Creator to record high quality audio, so you can match the beautiful motion images with outstanding stereo sound, and further offers a one-touch movie button for instant recording of videos. Introducing new POWER O.I.S Panasonic has incorporated Intelligent Auto mode in pursuit of the ultimate ease of operation and the reduction of misshots. In iA mode the camera does all the work, leaving you free to compose shots and capture moments. Just press, aim and shoot. This mode is now further advanced with the inclusion of r advanced image stabilization system POWER O.I.S. and Intelligent Resolution technology for the DMC-TZ10. A 3.0-inch, Super High Resolution 460,000-dot Intelligent LCD for Easy Viewing The TZ10 is equipped with a 3.0-inch, super high resolution 460,000-dot Intelligent LCD with a wide viewing angle and AR (Anti-Reflection) coating. The screen brightness automatically adjusts in 11 steps as the surrounding brightness level changes, ensuring easy visibility at all times. The big screen reflects fine details, making it easy to check the focus before shooting. It also serves as a small photo and video viewer, allowing the user and friends to enjoy viewing the still and motion images together. Continuing to push the boundaries and providing consumers with additional features to be proud of, such as GPS and manual control, users will be finding more reasons to go on holiday to enjoy the new model than ever before.
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