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Livro his

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Campo Grande-AL (Alagoas)
livro em inglês, comprado nos eua, nunca lido e nunca usado. é os três em um só. capa dura
R$ 125
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Brasil (Todas as cidades)
Livro Box Coleção Harry Potter - J.k. Rowling (7 Livros) + Livro - Harry Potter Wizards Wand Sticker Varinha PRODUTO ORIGINAL PRONTA ENTREGA FOTOS REAIS DE UMA DAS UNIDADES QUE TENHO DISPONÍVEIS FRETE POR MERCADO ENVIOS (FAVOR CONFERIR SEU ENDEREÇO NO ATO DA COMPRA, POIS DEPOIS NÃO É POSSÍVEL ALTERAR Livro Box Coleção Harry Potter - J.k. Rowling (7 Livros) Sinopse Os sete livros da saga do bruxo mais querido do mundo reunidos num box exclusivo e em nova edição, com projeto gráfico de Kazu Kibuishi em que as lombadas alinhadas formam o castelo de Hogwarts, ilustrações de abertura de capítulo por Mary GrandPré e miolo em papel pólen. A vida do menino Harry Potter não tem um pingo de magia. Ele vive com os tios e o primo, que não gostam nem um pouco dele. O quarto de Harry é, na verdade, um armário sob a escada, e ele nunca comemorou um aniversário sequer em onze anos. Até que, um dia, Harry recebe uma carta misteriosa, entregue por uma coruja: um convite para estudar num lugar incrível chamado Escola de Magia e Bruxaria Hogwarts. Lá ele vai encontrar não só amigos, esportes praticados em vassouras voadoras e magia para todo lado, como também seu destino: ser um aprendiz de feiticeiro até o dia em que terá que enfrentar a pior força do mal, o bruxo que assassinou seus pais. Mas, para isso, Harry precisará passar por uma série de desafios e enfrentar inúmeros perigos. Em sete livros que se tornaram o maior fenômeno editorial de todos os tempos, com mais de 450 milhões de exemplares vendidos e traduções em 78 idiomas, Harry Potter não é exposto apenas a batalhas e feitiços. Ele precisa superar traições, surpresas e, sobretudo, aprender a lidar com os próprios sentimentos. O amor, a amizade e claro, uma boa dose de magia e imaginação, são os elementos-chave para da maior saga bruxa de todos os tempos. Box Harry Potter Série Completa: perfeito para todos que cresceram acompanhando a saga do jovem bruxo e para as novas gerações de fãs que anseiam por conhecê-la! Livro - Harry Potter Wizards Wand Sticker Varinha Sinopse Part of the magic began the day Harry Potter obtained his wand from Ollivander's shop for his first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. With an assemble-your-own wand, inspired by the famous boy wizard's, and the book of eight stickers following brave Harry through his daring adventures, anyone can use his or her imagination to reenact scenes that Harry Potter fans have come to love. Esta caixinha contém um livreto com 8 adesivos e uma réplica da varinha mágica do Harry Potter para montar
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
Livro importado - Renoir: His life, Art and Letters, capa dura, 312 págs, ilustrado, editora Harry N. Abrams, autora Barbara Ehrlich White, idioma inglês - ISBN - 9780810996076. Folhas de papel grosso. Há uma capa externa sobressalente. A capa externa e o livro por dentro, estão em perfeito estado. Na capa dura interna, que não é aparente, há uma mancha (ver foto). Um novo na Amazon custa R$ 269,00. Vendo o meu, em perfeito estado (apenas com a mancha na capa que não é aparente) por R$ 60,00
R$ 60
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
Livro Cry Freedom - John Briley - Oxford Bookworm Library - Stage 6 Livro em Inglês Novo Tenho outro livros à venda, faça sua sacolinha com desconto! Cry Freedom : They said Steve Biko was a man of violence; then why did he talk of peace? They said he wanted revolution; so why did he talk of friendship? They said he died of hunger; why was his body broken and bruised? This is the story of a man´s fight with the government of South Africa. It is the story of all people who prefer truth to lies. It is the story of all people who cry ´Freedom´, and who are not afraid to die.
R$ 55
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Brasilia (Distrito Federal)
Livro: East of Eden Autor: John Steinbeck - Considerado um dos melhores livros do autor, abrange a história dos Estados Unidos desde a Guerra Civil até a Primeira Guerra Mundial. Publicado em 1952, relata a saga dos Hamilton (com base nos parentes maternos de Steinbeck, representando a 'família universal'), e dos Traks, clã ficcional que mimetizaria os 'vizinhos universais', focalizando três gerações. A inspiração veio da Bíblia, pois recria o confronto entre Caim e Abel no cenário do vale de Salinas, na Califórnia, terra natal do autor. - In his journal, Nobel Prize winner John Steinbeck called East of Eden "the first book," and indeed it has the primordial power and simplicity of myth. Set in the rich farmland of California's Salinas Valley, this sprawling and often brutal novel follows the intertwined destinies of two familiesthe Trasks and the Hamiltonswhose generations helplessly reenact the fall of Adam and Eve and the poisonous rivalry of Cain and Abel
R$ 54
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Brasil (Todas as cidades)
livro em bom estado, 224 páginas sem rasgos e sem anotações - idioma inglês - ano 1991 - The author shares his nearly 50 years in the cat fancy, detailing specifics for all registered cat breeds. Chapters detail the origin and domestication of cats, their care and housekeeping, breeding, showing and judging. The book is illustrated with numerous lush color photos, giving the reader the feeling of being with every cat.
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São Bernardo do Campo (São Paulo)
livro em ótimo estado. literatura estrangeira. ótimo para aprendizado e entretenimento. 120 páginas streetwise george and his big, childlike friend lennie. they have nothing except the clothes on their back, and a hope that one day they ll find a place of their own and live the american dream.
R$ 26
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Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais)
livro do artista rodin e seus contemporâneos com texto em inglês.
R$ 60
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Santo André-SP (São Paulo)
Livro em Inglês sobre Elvis Presley Editora Omnibus Press Em ótimo estado de conservação
R$ 55
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
livro the woman in white, mistério, suspense, em inglês only the woman in white knows the truth of Laura Fairlie's cruel husband. Can Walter Hartright discover the terrible secret? From the moment Walter meets this misterious woman, his future and that of Laura are linked for ever Wilkie Collins
R$ 30
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Brasil (Todas as cidades)
LUNA240420 [F0055] – Brochura. 19,5 x 13,5 cm. 568 p. Livro usado; muito bom; riscos superficiais; alguns pontos de oxidação; contornos, junções e pontas levemente amassados e com tinta um pouco descascada; pequenas marcas de dobras nas pontas e na lombada; pedaço de etiqueta na capa. Bordas e corte levemente amarelados, com pontos de oxidação. Miolo sem grifos; páginas levemente amareladas com pontas um pouco amassadas e algumas pequenas marcas de dobras. Sinopse: Jason has a problem. He doesn't remember anything before waking up on a school bus holding hands with a girl. Apparently she's his girlfriend Piper, his best friend is a kid named Leo, and they're all students in the Wilderness School, a boarding school for "bad kids." What he did to end up here, Jason has no idea-except that everything seems very wrong. Piper has a secret. Her father has been missing for three days, and her vivid nightmares reveal that he's in terrible danger. Now her boyfriend doesn't recognize her, and when a freak storm and strange creatures attack during a school field trip, she, Jason, and Leo are whisked away to someplace called Camp Half-Blood. What is going on? Leo has a way with tools. His new cabin at Camp Half-Blood is filled with them. Seriously, the place beats Wilderness School hands down, with its weapons training, monsters, and fine-looking girls. What's troubling is the curse everyone keeps talking about, and that a camper's gone missing. Weirdest of all, his bunkmates insist they are all-including Leo-related to a god. Ano e edição desta publicação: 2011 - 2ª edição. (Exemplar de acordo com imagem do vendedor). *** Livro disponível para envio imediato ***
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Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul)
In this unforgettable memoir, the Navy SEALs? most trusted translator?a man who is credited with saving countless American lives and became a legend in the special-ops community?tells his inspiring story for the first time. As the insurgency in Iraq intensified following the American invasion, U.S. Navy SEALs were called upon to root terrorists from their lairs. Unsure of the local neighborhoods and unable to speak the local languages, they came to rely on one man to guide them and watch their backs. He was a "terp"?an interpreter?with a job so dangerous they couldn't even use his real name. They named him Johnny Walker. They soon called him brother. Over the course of eight years, the Iraqi native traveled around the country with nearly every SEAL and special operations unit deployed there. He went on thousands of missions, saved dozens of SEAL and other American lives, and risked his own daily. Helped to the U.S. by the SEALs he protected, Johnny Walker's life is so remarkable that his tale reads like fiction. But every word of it is true. For the first time ever, a "terp" tells what it was like in Iraq during the American invasion and the brutal insurgency that followed. With inside details on SEAL operations and a humane understanding of the tragic price paid by ordinary Iraqis, Code Name: Johnny Walker reveals a side of the war that has never been told before
R$ 30
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Natal (Rio Grande do Norte)
================================================== ================================================== == TÍTULO: Long Hard Road out of Hell AUTOR: Marilyn Manson ANO DE PUBLICAÇÃO: 1998 PÁGINAS: 269 páginas ENCADERNAÇÃO: Brochura EDITORA: Plexus Publishing Ltd IDIOMA: Inglês DIMENSÕES: 24 cm X 15,5 cm X 2,2 cm ESTADO DE CONSERVAÇÃO: Livro usado, em muito bom estado de conservação. ================================================== ================================================== == Candid biography of one of the most controversial rock stars in America, which examines the effects his sometimes shocking childhood had on his music and his career. 75 b/w, 16 colour illus. ================================================== ================================================== == Preço: R$ 75,00 Frete fixo de R$ 10,00, com rastreio e seguro para qualquer parte do país. ================================================== ================================================== ==
R$ 75
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
This book focuses on the most useful and applicable scripts for making truly interactive, engaging Web sites (and it doesn't proclaim to be the definitive all-knowing JavaScript guide).You'll not only have quick access to the scripts you need, you'll finally understand why the scripts work, how to alter the scripts to get the effects you want, and, ultimately, how to write your own groundbreaking scripts from scratch. Through his popular Web site, Nick Heinle has been showing Web designers and other nonprogrammers how to create the scripts they need. In fact, he wrote much of the JavaScript used on the Web today. This book is the culmination of his work. His explanations are clear, detailed, and accessible; everything - every script, every concept, every line - is explained so that "the rest of us" will understand.Designing with JavaScript covers many of the powerful capabilities that JavaScript is given with Dynamic HTML, in a few chapters covering important aspects of implementing Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 as well as Netscape Navgigator 4.0. You'll learn how to create pages on the fly, how to identify users' browsers, how to create "rollover" effects with sound, graphics, and animation, and more. It also features a CD-ROM and Web site that provide fast access to some of the author's most useful functions and scripts, making it easy to find the code you need and to build your own custom scripts
R$ 25
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Piracicaba (São Paulo)
CARACTERÍSTICAS: » Título: "Hope for the Brokenhearted: God's Voice of Comfort in the Midst of Grief" » Autor: John Luke Terveen » 220 páginas. » Livro em inglês usado, em perfeito estado de conservação, sem sinais de manuseio, dobraduras ou riscos. DESCRIPTION: This book grew out of author's own experience with grief and loss resulting from his fourteen-year-old daughter's death. he scoured more than 200 books looking for comfort but found the Bible itself to be his greates source of hope, comfort, wise counsel, and encouragement. DESCRIÇÃO: Este livro nasceu da própria experiência do autor com a tristeza e a perda resultante da morte de sua filha de catorze anos. Vasculhou livros à procura de consolo, mas achou que a própria Bíblia era sua maior fonte de esperança, consolo, sábio conselho e encorajamento
R$ 39
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Brasil (Todas as cidades)
Nursing Administration - 2 Edição Autor: BT Basavanthappa Páginas: 964 pages Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Idioma: English Formato: 22X28cm 2009 ISBN: 9788184486971 100% Garantido Livro Novo Dúvida quanto ao produto, faça uma pergunta This book provides students of nursing profession with solid foundation for taking care of patients in the community. The author made all possible efforts towards this in simple and effective language. He has provided extensive treatment of the subject in a very lucid and cogent manner, so that students can grasp the subject very clearly and completely. It covers all the areas specified by the Nursing Councils, Universities and Boards of Nursing that are imparting Diplomas and Degrees in Nursing. BT Basavanthappa, recently retired from Government service as Professor and Principal of the Government College of Nursing, Bengaluru. He has vast experience in Bedside Nursing, i.e., he worked as a staff nurse for 16 years at District McGann Hospital, Shimoga. He did BSc Nursing (Post-Certificate) from the same college (1978), and obtained Masters degree in Nursing from Rajkumar Amrit Kaur College of Nursing, New Delhi (1988). In 1994, Bangalore University conferred on him Doctoral Degree in Nursing. With this he is the FIRST PERSON in the state of KARNATAKA, who earned and awarded PhD in Nursing. Now, he is Consultant and Professor of reputed college of Nursing, Bengaluru, Karnataka. With over 35 years of service as a bedside nurse and as an academician, Dr BT Basavanthappa has taught all the areas of Nursing in UG and PG Courses of Nursing. He is a recognised PhD guide by the Indian Nursing Council and Indian Universities. He has served at Universities in various capacities and his professional development and contributions are well documented at the local, national and global levels. He also held various positions in Associations like GNAK, TNAI, etc. and also Karnataka State Government Employees Association. At present, he is the President of RGUHS Nursing Teachers Association, Karnataka. He takes it as a matter of pride to shoulder any responsibility in the interest of Nursing Profession. He has been a recipient of many prestigious awards for his excellence. 1. Introduction to Nursing Profession 2. Trends in Health Care System 3. Leadership in Nursing 4. Nurse as a Manager5. Concepts of Administration 6. Planning 7. Organizing 8. Staffing 9. Directing 10. Coordinating 11. Reporting and Recording12. Budgeting13. Human Resource Management 14. Job Evaluation 15. Administration of Health Services in India 16. Organization of Health Services in India 17. Planning in Health Programs in India 18. Management in Health Care Delivery System19. Hospital Administration 20. Nursing Service Administration 21. Discipline in Nursing 22. Health Care Economics and Nursing 23. Educational Administration in Nursing 24. Clinical Supervision 25.Quality Control 26. Staff Development 27. Administration of Wage and Salary 28. Role of Employees Union in Administration 29. Concepts of Employees Welfare and Social Security 30. Legal and Ethical Aspects of Nursing 31. Current Issues in Nursing.
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Brasil (Todas as cidades)
ATENÇÃO: ENVIO/DESPACHO NOS CORREIOS APENAS AS QUINTAS E SEXTAS, POR CONTA DE MEU HORÁRIO DE TRABALHO NOS DEMAIS DIAS. Em perfeitas condições; apenas a capa apresenta uma faixa um pouco descolorida por conta da variação na exposição à luz. Beneath the world's waters lie landscapes, species, vegetation and populations as diverse and splendid as those on land, yet these kingdoms have been explored by few. is an extraordinary look at the work of David Doubilet, an artist and diver who pioneered the medium of deep-sea reportage to become widely acclaimed as the world's leading underwater photographer. This fascinating and evocative volume looks at a world in which humans are neither the measure nor the master, but an encumbered intruder. From the waters of the Galapagos to the Red Sea, from the Pacific shores to the fresh waters of North America, Water Light Time includes over 25 years of Doubilet's work, and reveals the mesmerising beauty of more than 30 bodies of water. Rich with fascinating sea creatures, wondrous life forms and breathtaking underwater landscapes, Water Light Time is an unforgettable look at many of the earth's most remarkable natural compositions. When David Doubilet was a child, he photographed swimmers in the waters off of New Jersey. Water Light Time is a collection of images that capture the underwater magnificence that seized the photographer's imagination in childhood and spurred a lifelong fascination. Underwater plant life floating like snakes, bright blue water filled with schools of silver fish, a diver immersed in a throng of bubbling yellow jellyfish, a close-up of pink and white sea anemones looking all the world like a floating bouquet of flowers--each image in this book is exquisitely photographed with preternaturally clear colors, full of detail and depth. Some images toy with perspective, creating surreal tableaux as a crustacean leg pokes out of the yellow-green water to appear almost as large as a nearby tree. With a career that started as a National Geographic photographer in 1972, Doubilet has a lifetime of experience from which to make such a marvelous meditation on this otherworld that is vaguely familiar to most readers only through pictures and visits to aquariums. Doubilet captures what must surely be his own awe at the uniqueness of being a human in this nonhuman environment, and the reader can marvel at both the lushness of life in the water and at the beauty of the photographs themselves, which dominate almost all of the book's 240 pages. --Jennifer Cohen --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. From Library Journal Doubilet, a frequent photographer for National Geographic, proves his mastery of underwater photography yet again in this elegant, coffee table-size collection of almost 200 photographs. Interspersed with brief textual introductions, the images span Doubilet's career (and the world), running the gamut of marine environments and species. The 30 bodies of water covered range from the shores of the Gal pagos Islands to the Red Sea, and the book's 11 sections range from "Beneath the Surface" to "Desert Sea" to "Coral Eden." The book is nothing less than magnificent. Because of its beauty and oversize dimensions, however, it may prove difficult for libraries; it certainly won't work for those with security problems. Highly recommended for all photography collections, especially those including underwater photography, this is also appropriate for libraries at all levels where there is strong interest in marine biology and scuba diving.AMargaret A. Rioux, MBL/WHOI Lib., Woods Hole, MA Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. See all Editorial Reviews Product details Paperback: 240 pages Publisher: Phaidon Press; Reprint edition (March 15, 2006) Language: English ISBN-10: 0714846058 ISBN-13: 978-0714846057 Product Dimensions: 13.5 x 1 x 9.2 inches Shipping Weight: 3.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
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Brasil (Todas as cidades)
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Orçamentos -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= - ATENÇÃO: Caso tenha interesse em adquirir outros itens favor usar a sessão de perguntas para um orçamento, lembrando que compras acima de 120,00 o frete é free. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Descrição do Produto =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Assembled here for the first time is new information on adventurers of every stripe. In addition, you'll find and valuable advice for those of nefarious intent who must deal with such meddling do-gooders, including the Xanathar's personal thoughts on how to dispatch anyone foolish enough to interfere with his business dealings. Alongside observations on "heroes" themselves, the beholder fills the pages of this tome with his personal thoughts on tricks, traps, and even treasures and how they can be put to villainous use. Complete rules for more than twenty new subclasses for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons, including the cavalier, the inquisitive, the horizon walker, and many more. Dozens of new feats and spells, and a system to give your character a unique, randomized backstory. A variety of systems and tools that provide Dungeon Masters new ways to personalize their home games, while also expanding the ways players can engage in organized play and shared world campaigns. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but evil is in its heart! The Xanathar... Waterdeep's most infamous crime lord, and a beholder to boot... You'd be shocked to discover just how much he knows about you... Yes, you... adventurers.
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
my friend and now partner jorge paulo and his team are among the best businessmen in the world. he is a fantastic person and his story should be an inspiration to everybody, as it is for me. warren buffett
R$ 15
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
juvenil, literatura de idiomas (inglês) In the Happy Prince a little swallow stops on its journey towards the sun and helps a big-hearted Prince to bring some happiness to his people. In The Nigthingale and the Rose a songbird understands more about love than a young man who spends his days writing love poetry
R$ 30
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Brasilia (Distrito Federal)
Saulo Ribeiro?six-time Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu World Champion?is world-renowned for his functional jiu-jitsu knowledge and flawless technique. In Jiu-Jitsu University, Ribeiro shares with the public for the first time his revolutionary system of grappling, mapping out more than 200 techniques that carry you from white to black belt. Illuminating common jiu-jitsu errors and then illustrating practical remedies, this book is a must for all who train in jiu-jitsu. Not your run-of-the-mill technique book, Jiu-Jitsu University is a detailed training manual that will ultimately change the way jiu-jitsu is taught around the globe.
R$ 80
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Brasilia (Distrito Federal)
Original / British English Maisie King lives in the Bahamas. Her mother and father work at an Animal Hospital. Maisie has a new friend. His name is Ben and he's a dolphin. Ben is very ill. Maisie helps him. Then Maisie has a big problem. Can Ben help her? CARACTERÍSTICAS DO LIVRO Título: Maisie and the Dolphin Autor: Stephen Rabley Editora: Longman Publishers Peso: 0.5 Kg Altura: 20 cm Largura: 13 cm Espessura: 0.3 cm I.S.B.N: 0-582-40283-2 Código Universal do produto: 9780582402836 Quantidade de páginas: 16 Edição: 4ª Ano de edição: 2001 Idioma: Inglês País de origem: Reino Unido Assunto: Livro Paradidático - Livro de Ensino de Línguas - Língua Inglesa - Literatura Infanto-juvenil Acabamento: Capa Comum Formato: Pequeno LIVRO USADO EM BOM ESTADO DE CONSERVAÇÃO, SEM RASGOS, RASURAS, MANCHAS, ANOTAÇÕES, MARCAÇÕES OU QUALQUER OUTRO DANO QUE COMPROMETA A SUA LEITURA/UTILIZAÇÃO
R$ 12
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Brasilia (Distrito Federal)
Afonso Ribeiro goes on a voyage with Captain Pedr'Alvares. After forty-four days they find Terra Papagalis. For two yers Afonso lives on this new land with the Tupiniquin people. When he goes home he talks about his story! CARACTERÍSTICAS DO LIVRO Título: Brazil 500 Years Voyage to Terra Papagalis Autor: Francisco Lima Editora: Longman Publishers Peso: 0.5 Kg Altura: 20 cm Largura: 13 cm Espessura: 0.2 cm I.S.B.N: 0-582-43054-2 Código Universal do produto: 9780582430549 Quantidade de páginas: 16 Edição: 1ª Ano de edição/impressão: 1999 Idioma: Inglês País de origem: Inglaterra Assunto: Literatura Estrangeira - Livro Ensino de Línguas - Inglês Acabamento: Capa Comum Formato: Médio LIVRO USADO EM BOM ESTADO DE CONSERVAÇÃO, SEM RASGOS, RASURAS, MANCHAS, ANOTAÇÕES, MARCAÇÕES OU QUALQUER OUTRO DANO QUE COMPROMETA A SUA LEITURA/UTILIZAÇÃO
R$ 12
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Brasil (Todas as cidades)
LUNA280620 [F0263] – Capa Dura. 21 x 14,5 cm. Livro usado, muito bom; alguns riscos superficiais; pontas levemente amassadas e com tinta um pouco descascada. Bordas e corte claros com alguns leves pontos de oxidação. Miolo com grifos de caneta nas primeiras páginas; algumas páginas com pequenas marcas de dobras nas pontas. Sinopse: This innovative interactive journal based on Greg Heffley’s own “diary” lets kids express themselves in an exciting new way. In Diary of a Wimpy Kid Do-It-Yourself Book, kids will be asked: What was the best dream you ever had? The worst thing you ever ate? The best secret you ever heard? The most trouble you ever got in for something that wasn’t even your fault to begin with? This Do-It-Yourself Book features art throughout, along with ruled and blank pages for readers to create their own stories, keep their own diaries, and record their favorites and least faves. Includes a bonus full-color comics section featuring the collected cartoons of Greg Heffley and his best friend, Rowley. Ano e edição desta publicação: 2008. (Exemplar de acordo com imagem do vendedor). *** Livro disponível para envio imediato ***
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
author and lifelong teacher bruce ossman uses his simple techniques and clear instruction to guide you through every single step of making a violin. with a complete list of tools, full-size patterns, detailed illustrations, and templates for every piece all included, you'll craft an instrument fit for an orchestra.
R$ 70
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
The Spanish Baroque artist and printmaker, Jusepe de Ribera (15911652), has long been celebrated for his depictions of human sufferingfaces contorted in pain, mutilated bodies, sagging flesh, and deformed bodies.  idioma inglês
R$ 160
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
ira is in trouble. 91 years old and stranded and injured after a car crash, he struggles to retain consciousness until a blurry image materializes beside him: his beloved wife ruth, who passed away 19 ago. urging him to hang on, she forces him to remain alert by recounting the stories of their lifetime together
R$ 10
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
em inglês, editora pinguin // the essential hemingway brings together a wide selection of hemingway's works, providing the perfect introduction to his extensive writing. the collection includes the full text of fiesta, hemingway's first major novel;
R$ 40
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