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This book two

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São Paulo (São Paulo)
Livro semi novo. Usado apenas da lição 19 a 24. Escrito em lápis bem fraco.
R$ 175
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
Book de referências das grandes marcas de luxo e sucesso na moda através do visual merchandising.
R$ 65
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Brasil (Todas as cidades)
LUNA280620 [F0263] – Capa Dura. 21 x 14,5 cm. Livro usado, muito bom; alguns riscos superficiais; pontas levemente amassadas e com tinta um pouco descascada. Bordas e corte claros com alguns leves pontos de oxidação. Miolo com grifos de caneta nas primeiras páginas; algumas páginas com pequenas marcas de dobras nas pontas. Sinopse: This innovative interactive journal based on Greg Heffley’s own “diary” lets kids express themselves in an exciting new way. In Diary of a Wimpy Kid Do-It-Yourself Book, kids will be asked: What was the best dream you ever had? The worst thing you ever ate? The best secret you ever heard? The most trouble you ever got in for something that wasn’t even your fault to begin with? This Do-It-Yourself Book features art throughout, along with ruled and blank pages for readers to create their own stories, keep their own diaries, and record their favorites and least faves. Includes a bonus full-color comics section featuring the collected cartoons of Greg Heffley and his best friend, Rowley. Ano e edição desta publicação: 2008. (Exemplar de acordo com imagem do vendedor). *** Livro disponível para envio imediato ***
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São Luís (Maranhão)
Book One e Two da Minds. Completos, com cd para conversação. Kit Book One: R$90 Kit Book Two: R$125 (+da medade não usado) Os dois por R$210
R$ 210
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
This book focuses on the most useful and applicable scripts for making truly interactive, engaging Web sites (and it doesn't proclaim to be the definitive all-knowing JavaScript guide).You'll not only have quick access to the scripts you need, you'll finally understand why the scripts work, how to alter the scripts to get the effects you want, and, ultimately, how to write your own groundbreaking scripts from scratch. Through his popular Web site, Nick Heinle has been showing Web designers and other nonprogrammers how to create the scripts they need. In fact, he wrote much of the JavaScript used on the Web today. This book is the culmination of his work. His explanations are clear, detailed, and accessible; everything - every script, every concept, every line - is explained so that "the rest of us" will understand.Designing with JavaScript covers many of the powerful capabilities that JavaScript is given with Dynamic HTML, in a few chapters covering important aspects of implementing Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 as well as Netscape Navgigator 4.0. You'll learn how to create pages on the fly, how to identify users' browsers, how to create "rollover" effects with sound, graphics, and animation, and more. It also features a CD-ROM and Web site that provide fast access to some of the author's most useful functions and scripts, making it easy to find the code you need and to build your own custom scripts
R$ 25
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
Many students have trouble the first time they take a mathematics course in which proofs play a significant role. This new edition of Velleman's successful text will prepare students to make the transition from solving problems to proving theorems by teaching them the techniques needed to read and write proofs. The book begins with the basic concepts of logic and set theory, to familiarize students with the language of mathematics and how it is interpreted. These concepts are used as the basis for a step-by-step breakdown of the most important techniques used in constructing proofs. The author shows how complex proofs are built up from these smaller steps, using detailed 'scratch work' sections to expose the machinery of proofs about the natural numbers, relations, functions, and infinite sets. To give students the opportunity to construct their own proofs, this new edition contains over 200 new exercises, selected solutions, and an introduction to Proof Designer software. No background beyond standard high school mathematics is assumed. This book will be useful to anyone interested in logic and proofs: computer scientists, philosophers, linguists, and of course mathematicians. Livro em perfeito estado Retirada no bairro Butantã, em SP ou envio pelo correio.
R$ 400
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Recife (Pernambuco)
Novo e lacrado de fábrica Coleção English for Kids 1 a 5 Descrição: Conteúdos integrados com o cotidiano de vida dos alunos: - Programas de computador - Videogames - Internet - Pcn´s 5 Volumes: Preschool Book One Book Two Book Three Book Four + 8 cartazes coloridos. Editora: Iemar
R$ 600
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
ATENÇÃO: Livro em Inglês, em ótimo estado de conservação, como novo. Dark Horse Books and Nintendo team up to bring you The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia, containing an unparalleled collection of historical information on The Legend of Zelda franchise. This handsome hardcover contains never-before-seen concept art, the full history of Hyrule, the official chronology of the games, and much more! Starting with an insightful introduction by the legendary producer and video-game designer of Donkey Kong, Mario, and The Legend of Zelda, Shigeru Miyamoto, this book is crammed full of information about the storied history of Link's adventures from the creators themselves! As a bonus, The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia includes an exclusive comic by the foremost creator of The Legend of Zelda manga ? Akira Himekawa!
R$ 149
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Brasilia (Distrito Federal)
São mais de 3 mil reais em livros. Economize mais de 1000 reais no combo!! Consulte a lista completa no whatsapp 61 9 82813453 1. Romances de Emmanuel ? Paulo e Estêvão ? Francisco Cândido Xavier Pelo Espírito Emmanuel ? R$9,99 2. O povo das mil e uma noites ? Dr. Jorge Adoum (Mago Jefa) ? Edições Avatar ? 1992 - R$4,99 5. Jacob Boehme ? Pensamentos ? Compliados por J. L. G. de Hartog-Meyjes - R$29,99 7. Em Vos Confio - R$1,99 11. O homem eterno ? Louis Pauwels; Jacques Bergier ? Livraria Bertrand - R$9,99 12. Sobre La Salvacion Del Alma ? Bernard Lievegoed ? Antroposófica - R$9,99 13. A voz do silêncio H. P. Blavatsk - R$5,00 14. Christian Rosacruz ? Rudolf Steimey ? Pensamento (1911-1912) - R$10,00 15. Alegría y Curacíon ? Torkom Saraydarian - R$10,00 16. Iniciacíon Humana y Solar ? Alice A. Bailey - R$10,00 17. A Aurora Nascente ? Jacob Boehme - R$30,00 18. A Yoga do Cristo ? No evangelho de São João ? Ravi Ravindra - R$40,00 22. O Idílio do Lotus Branco ? Mabel Collins - R$5,00 24. Sri Sankaracharya ? C. N. Krishnasami Alyar - R$10,00 25. Vivir El Budismo ? Thich Nhat Hanh - R$40,00 26. Vida de Jehoshua ? El profeta de Nazaret - R$40,00 27. A doutrina Zen da não-mente ? D.T. SUZUKI - R$30,00 28. Fisiologia Oculta ? Rudolf Steiner - R$10,00 29. Ritual de magia divina - R$100,00 30. O árabe prático ? Luiz Haiek - R$2,00 31. El mundo oculto ? A. P. Sinnett - R$10,00 32. Sabedoria Eterna ? As estâncias de Dzyan - o Livro de meditação mística ? Helena Petrovna Blavatsky - R$30,00 33. Pelas portas de ouro ? Mabel Collins - R$10,00 34. Sabedoria das parábolas ? Huberto Rohden - R$10,00 35. Buda viviente, Cristo viviente ? Thich Nhat Hanh - R$40,00 36. O evangelho de BUDA ? Yogi Kharishnanda - R$40,00 - 38. O gnóstico Paulo ? Exgese Gnóstica das cartas paulinas ? Elaine Pagels - R$2,00 39. Luz no caminho ? Mabel Collins - R$2,00 40. Mahatma Gandhi ? Humberto ROdhden - R$9,00 41. Evangelhos Gnósticos ? Marcia Maia - R$10,00 42. Mansões da Alma ? Reencarnação da Alma na Terra ? Dr. H. Spencer Lewis F.R.C - R$10,00 43. Para viver em paz ? o milagre da mente alerta ? Thich Nhat Hanh - R$2,00 44. Sinta-se livre onde você estiver ? Thich Nhat Hanh - R$2,00 46. Minhas orações ? Masaharu Taniguchi - R$2,00 47. Mundo ardente 1933 - R$30,00 48. The Spirit Of Masonry ? Foster Bailey - R$20,00 49. Coma bem, viva melhor! ? J. Treiger/Cristiana Treiger - R$2,00 50. Dhammapada Caminho da lei ? doutrina budista ortodoxa em versos- R$10,00 51. Ocultismo prático ? H.P Blavatsky- R$20,00 52. O Hino de Jesus ? um rito gnóstico ? G.R.S. Mead - R$5,00 53. Jesus entre os essênios ? eduard schure - R$20,00 54. Qué es el amor ? Mahatma Gandhi - R$2,00 55. A doutrina de Buda - R$5,00 56. Agni Ioga ? 1929 - R$ R$39,99 57. AUM ? 1936 - R$ R$39,99 58. Folhas do Jardim de Morya ? 1925 - R$30,00 59. Mundo ardente ? 1935 - R$ R$39,99 60. Infinito ? 1930 - R$39,99 61. Folhas do Jardim de Morya ? 1924 - R$30,00 62. Mundo ardente ? 1934 - R$39,99 63. Fraternidade ? 1937 - R$39,99 64. Supraterrestre ? a vida interior ? 1938 - R$39,99 65. Supraterresetre ? a vida interior ? Livro dois ? 1938 - R$39,99 66. SuperMundane ? the inner life ? book two ? 1938 - R$39,99 67. Coração ? 1932 - R$40,00 68. SuperMundane ? the inner life ? book one ? 1938 - R$30,00 69. Alquimia e misticismo ? alexander roob ? o museu hermético ? R$30,00 70. Zanoni ? Edward Bulwer-Lytton ? R$15,00 71. Decide de nuevo ? uma selección de ?um curso de milagros? - R$30,00 73. Infinito ? 1930 - R$30,00 74. Hierarquia ? 1931 - R$30,00 75. Nova era comunidade ? 1926 - R$40,00 76. O toque da Cura ? Alice Burmeister e Tom Monte - R$10,00 77. Você pode! ? Paul Hanna ? descubra o caminho para mudar e vencer - R$5,00 78. Toda mudança começa em você ? Dr. Reinhard K. Sprenger - R$2,00 81. Ide e pregai ? Newton Boechat - R$5,00 82. El niño de piedra y otras histórias vietnamitas ? Thich Nhat Han R$10,00 83. La vida Divina ? Sri Aurobindo ? Libro I R$20,00
R$ 1.800
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Brasilia (Distrito Federal)
Saulo Ribeiro?six-time Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu World Champion?is world-renowned for his functional jiu-jitsu knowledge and flawless technique. In Jiu-Jitsu University, Ribeiro shares with the public for the first time his revolutionary system of grappling, mapping out more than 200 techniques that carry you from white to black belt. Illuminating common jiu-jitsu errors and then illustrating practical remedies, this book is a must for all who train in jiu-jitsu. Not your run-of-the-mill technique book, Jiu-Jitsu University is a detailed training manual that will ultimately change the way jiu-jitsu is taught around the globe.
R$ 80
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Campo Largo (Paraná)
COMMUNICATING IN BUSINESS ENGLISH By Bob Dgmen Este livro apresenta um vocabulário e padrões de linguagem relacionados ao ambiente de negócios e a situações comuns aos negócios. Ele cobre tópicos como: fazendo e recebendo ligações de negócios, fazendo apresentações, participando em reuniões, socializando com contatos de negócios, negociando acordos e escrevendo cartas e documentos de negócios. Contém diálogos que ilustram o vocabulário sendo usado em contexto, exercícios para reforçar o aprendizado do vocabulário, respostas dos exercícios e um CD de áudio com diálogos. Idioma: inglês. Communicating in Business English presents vocabulary and language patterns related to business environment and common business situations. Topic covered in the book include making and receiving business telephone calls, giving presentations, participating in meetings, socializing with business contacts, negotiating deals, and writing business letters and documents. * key vocabulary lists for each lesson * sample phrases, sentences, paragraphs illustrating common business language structures * cross-cultural tips and golden rules for effective communication * dialogs illustrating vocabulary usage in context * exercises for vocabulary reinforcement and usage * answer key for exercises * audio CD of the first exercise on every exercise page Contents: Chapter 1: English For The Telephone Chapter 2: English For Presentations Chapter 3: English For Meetings Chapter 4: English For Socializing Chapter 5: English For Negotiating Chapter 6: Writing For International Business: E-Mails, letters and Reports Communicating in Business English is designed for people interested in developing their communication skills for business. The focus of this book is on functional English that people need to communicate within various business environments. (from the Introduction). Estado do Livro: Livro em bom estado de conservação. Nos cantos da capa e contra-capa há alguns sinais de desgaste; pode-se observar algumas marcas de orelha nas páginas; cor amarelada nas extremidades externas. Havia pequenas e discretas notas a lápis: em geral uma referência à faixa do CD no topo da página; essas notas foram apagadas com borracha. Não foram encontrados outros grifos ou anotações; e os exercícios não estão respondidos. No geral, internamente, o livro está muito bom. O CD de áudio foi testado e está funcionando. Envio nota fiscal. MAIS DETALHES: Características principais Título do livro Communicating in Business English Autor Bob Dignen Idioma Inglês Editora do livro Compass Publishing Edição do livro First published in 1998 and 1999 Capa do livro Mole Ano de publicação 2003 Outras características Quantidade de páginas: 192 Altura: 28 cm Largura: 21.5 cm Peso: 586 g É de bolso: Não Gênero do livro: Idiomas Subgêneros do livro: Inglês,Negócios,aprendizado,exercícios,idiomas,linguagem,vocabulário Tipo de narração: Manual Acessórios incluídos: CD ISBN: 1932222170
R$ 149
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
Written by Gerry McGovern, an internationally-acclaimed specialist in the field, Killer Web Content gives you the strategies and practical techniques you need to make your website really work for you. On the Internet, if you're not read, you're dead. Killer Web Content is an accessible, concise, and practical guide to the strategies and techniques you need to get the very best out of your online content. This book helps readers to: - provide visitors to their website with the right content at just the right time - write compelling Web content that users really respond to and want more of - make sure their website has the best possible chance of getting into the first page of search results - understand the benefits of blogs, RSS, and e-mail newsletters Web content is an increasingly important asset. It helps sell products and deliver services. From software companies to universities to governments, online content is something that has to be done right
R$ 60
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Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais)
Eadweard Muybridge: The Human and Animal Locomotion Photographs Capa dura ? 5 Correios ou retirada: CEP: 31.170-210, Cidade Nova, Belo Horizonte/MG; ou CEP: 33.200-614, Vespasiano/MG Editora ?: ? Taschen; 1ª edição Idioma ?: ? Inglês, Francês, Alemão Capa dura ?: ? 702 páginas Dimensões ?: ? 15.7 x 4.3 x 20.4 cm Ranking dos mais vendidos: Nº 76 em Importados de Fotografia. The life and work of Eadweard Muybridge (1830?1904), pioneer in the visual studies of animal and human movement. With a detailed chronology and numerous plates, this book features in particular many images from the groundbreaking Animal Locomotion, as well as from Muybridge's handmade and extremely rare first album, The Attitudes of Animals in Motion. Correios ou retirada: CEP: 31.170-210, Cidade Nova, Belo Horizonte/MG; ou CEP: 33.200-614, Vespasiano/MG
R$ 95
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Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais)
The Clone Wars Campaign Guide (Star Wars Roleplaying Game) Hardcover RPG Livro em bom estado de conservação. Capas e lombadas inteiras e com apenas leves sinais de uso. Páginas e miolo estão muito bem preservados. Bring your Star Wars Roleplaying Game Campaign into the epic battles of the Clone Wars. This book includes new information for heroes on both sides of the war, including new talents, feats, prestige classes, and equipment designed to tailor characters to the unique feel of the Clone Wars conflict. More than just information for players, The Clone Wars Campaign Guide provides Gamemasters with descriptions and statistics for starships, vehicles, allies, opponents, and planets and features in-depth information on material drawn from Lucasfilm's new CG animated series, The Clone Wars.
R$ 379
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Salvador (Bahía)
Livro em inglês - não foi folheado 432 páginas Trader Day trade Price action Presents a fresh approach to trading using price bar charts. This book reveals how to read the information content of every bar on a price chart, and manage trades all day long. It shows how to visualize entry and exit points as markets are trading in real-time.
R$ 250
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